The Keyboard is Mightier Than the Sword

Darryl Williams II
5 min readDec 20, 2021
Two men fencing- Made by: Cottonbro at

The quote, “The pen is mightier than the sword” was an adage created by the English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton nearly 200 years ago. Even back then, he understood that education was more effective than even the greatest warrior. Surely in those times he couldn’t have known just how far we could take the written word in the future. The concept that ‘words have power’ is more prominent now than it ever has been. We have been able to create ‘living’ things merely by the words that come from our minds. We have created things like: the internet, androids, automated production machines, self driving vehicles, and handheld personal computation machines (phones) all with the written word in the form of coding. Of course, there is some hardware involved in the creation of computers but their overall functionality comes from coding. The technology era led to one of the most prosperous times in recent human history and it will continue to grow. This will especially affect isolated or seclude areas as we embraced a concept only made possible by technology: remote work.

TV Remote: Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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